Proposal: Two minor tomes
Timed out (2-9)
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 11 Nov 2006 11:52:27 UTC
Add the following tomes to the list in Rule 2.7.1:
Generic Self-Help Book
Self-Control Exercise
Circumstances:This spell may be cast if the Student casting it has not been under any effect of a Self-Control Exercise for 24 hours, and has a mythos knowledge less than 5.
Consequences: If the Student casting this spell has a Sanity between -20 and 0, treat it as 0 for any Sanity checks in the next 12 hours, after which it returns to its original value, modified by any Sanity changes that happened in the meantime. Otherwise, the Student casting this spell may undo one effect of having a negative sanity that occured in the last hour.
Book of Paper
Reading the Blank Page
Circumstances:This spell may be cast if the Student casting it has a Sanity less than -50.
Consequences:The Student who cast this spell makes a post to the front page describing a fantastic piece of writing they swear appears on that particular page under the right circumstances. (The page is, of course, always blank to sane Students…)