Saturday, July 17, 2021

Proposal: United Colours

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 19 Jul 2021 08:28:05 UTC

Remove the text “Dark rooms have a background colour of #444444 and have no text inside them, while Lit rooms have a background colour of #888888 (or #CCCC00, if they are a Sepulchre, or #CC6666 if they are Daunting but not a Sepulchre, or #8888CC if they are Familiar but not Daunting or containing a Sepulchre) and contain a room name.” from the rule Crypt of Dracula.

In the rule Ritual Chambers, replace the text “Ritual Chambers have a text colour of #FFFFFF and are always Lit. The Ritual Chamber located at A1 is called the Yellow Bile Chamber and has a background colour of #585B1F. The Ritual Chamber located at A8 is called the Black Bile Chamber and has a background colour of #1B2E4F. The Ritual Chamber located at H1 is called the Blood Chamber and has a background colour of #591F2E. The Ritual Chamber located at H8 is called the Phlegm Chamber and has a background colour of #2C541D” with “Ritual Chambers are always Lit. The Ritual Chamber located at A1 is called the Yellow Bile Chamber; the Ritual Chamber located at A8 is called the Black Bile Chamber; the Ritual Chamber located at H1 is called the Blood Chamber; and the Ritual Chamber located at H8 is called the Phlegm Chamber.”

Remove the any of the following chunks of text that appear in the rule Purification: “have a background color of”; “#2FF3E0”; “#99F”; “The purification status of each room is tracked by setting the background colour of Purified rooms (and only Purified rooms) on the Zahndorf Crypt map to”;

Add a new subrule to the rule Crypt of Dracula, called Map Key:

Rooms may have a status. The status of a room may be derived from an effect in that room, its colour on the map, or both. A Room may be considered to have any status implied by an effect (e.g. a room can be said to “have a Glyph”, “be blocked from the north”, “be Daunting”), although the text of the Effect is sovereign for determining such properties; as well as any status that is directly conferred by a rule (eg “be Lit”, “be a Ritual Chamber”).

A room’s colour (and text colour, where listed) on the map is determined by the highest entry on this list for which the room has the prescribed status:

* Is a Ritual Chamber: Text colour #FFFFFF, and one of the following:
** The Yellow Bile Chamber has a background colour of #585B1F
** The Black Bile Chamber has a background colour of #1B2E4F
** The Blood Chamber has a background colour of #591F2E.
** The Phlegm Chamber has a background colour of #2C541D
* Is Richardo’s current Starting Location: Background colour of #859F83
* Contains a Sepulchre: Background colour of #CCCC00
* Is Purified: Background colour of #2FF3E0
* Is Daunting: Background colour of #CC6666
* Is Familiar: Background colour of #8888CC
* Is Lit: Background colour of #888
* Is Dark: Background colour of #444


Kevan: he/him

17-07-2021 10:57:14 UTC

The highest-from-a-list is useful for cases where we’ve accidentally written rules that would make a room two different colours at once, but we’re possibly getting tunnel vision on background colours being all we need. They work fine for things like Ritual/Starting/Sepulchre/Purified/Dark where a room can (I think?) literally never be more than one of those at the same time, but it clearly fails at tracking a stack of states like “a Sepulchre which is also Familiar and Daunting” - which as a player I’d want to be able to see more clearly.

Would seem better to track those stackable states in a different way - as symbols (the way we’re doing for Newly Furnished, which rightly isn’t being rolled in here), or as other HTML markup (text colour, cell outline colour, bold, italics, etc, depending on how colourblind-friendly we need to be this dynasty).

Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-07-2021 11:01:45 UTC

@Kevan I agree, and this is really just a starting point. What I’d like to get to is a system of symbols - maybe emoji-like, as we’ve done in previous dynasties - that can go into the text fields for things like denizens, daunting, purified or familiar.  The distinction between temporary qualities and permanent qualities is what I’m getting at, but it seemed like a lot for one proposal; starting by just having all the info in one place, with one block of text regulating how it is all tracked and read, seemed like a decent square one.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-07-2021 11:02:28 UTC

I will admit that the list is composed based on what’s going to be easiest for me to read when running EtC, rather than what’s most important to players to know strategically, so if the interim stage list needs rejigging then I’m open to that.

ais523: Mastermind

17-07-2021 15:50:41 UTC

I like this. I think it should be a CFJ rather than a proposal, because I think it needs to be resolved before the next Expedition, but I’m nonetheless going to vote for this version.

I would suggest swapping Daunting and Purified on the list, though – there’s scam possible in the current ruleset that can make a room Daunting and Purified at the same time, and therefore if Purified fails to take precedence over Daunting, there’s no way to tell by looking at the map (or from anywhere else) whether a Daunting room is Purified or not.

ais523: Mastermind

17-07-2021 15:55:50 UTC

…and Richardo can start in a Purified room (in fact, quite possibly will if all the existing ingresses are blown up), so even if you think that Purification is currently a tracked variable, this proposal would make it become untracked unless Purified is moved to the top of the second list.

ais523: Mastermind

17-07-2021 16:09:59 UTC

Alternatively, we could make it so that setting a room as the starting location causes it to become unPurified; that would also work.

Clucky: he/him

17-07-2021 16:36:54 UTC

I do think there is a concern around starting location, and how technically the starting location could be purified.

Kevan: he/him

17-07-2021 17:06:05 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

17-07-2021 17:37:41 UTC


Brendan: he/him

18-07-2021 03:10:55 UTC


lemon: she/her

18-07-2021 11:43:22 UTC


lemon: she/her

19-07-2021 05:28:20 UTC


lemon: she/her

19-07-2021 05:28:36 UTC

(already commented that, i’m a fool)