Thursday, June 08, 2023


I have decided to idle myself.

After one last time trying the game out, I’m just not sure if it’s right for me anymore. It’s not because I’m bad at the game (I’ve achieved victory in 3 dynasties after all) or anything about the current dynasty that I don’t like. I’ve looked back at my past gameplay, and I realized that my go-to strategy was finding somebody better at the game than me (and was willing to put in more effort than I was) and trying to get a win percentage or two, figuring that over time I’ll pick up wins here and there as a result. I now realize that I just don’t see that as sportsmanlike behavior, and I tried in a couple of dynasties to break away from that. While that did result in a win, it was only because I was too stubborn to stop taking game actions and enter a metadynasty, leaving at the end to a dice roll. While I do enjoy thinking long term and finding strategies such as trying to get at least a small slice of the win in every dynasty, I have realized that I don’t enjoy that as much as I used to. My attempts at conventional achievements of victory have also made me realize that I am frankly subpar at the actual meta game of BN, often working through the game mechanics and leaving the true power of proposals either completely untapped or very clumsily utilized. What finally made me realize this was the fact the the current dynasty has no comms enabled, which took away my main plan of victory and made me realize that I really am not equipped with the skill to try and deliberately set up a victory in any other way. While I’m not saying that I’m gone for good from the blog, I am unidling without intentions to return in the near future. I love the community here and will still be active on the discord, but I have finally come to the conclusion that (at least for the time being) the game of Blognomic is not right for me now that the era of Covid is long gone and I have more options for activities in my life. This (much longer than usual) idling message is not meant to air grievances, point fingers, or otherwise call out any one thing or person in particular. I just wanted to share the reasons behind why I am idling at this particular time and perhaps provide context for an action that is typically done quietly, where a person simply disappears and does not return. It’s been great playing with all of you! Maybe in the long-term future I may be back, once I have acquired some actual strategical skill beyond “ally with strong player and maybe win”.


JonathanDark: he/him

08-06-2023 03:31:42 UTC

I’ll miss the fun Discord DMs we’ve had over some of the dynasties where private communication was allowed, but I get your reasons for stepping away from BN.

Josh: he/they

08-06-2023 09:01:58 UTC

Sorry to see you step away, but I understand your reasons entirely.

For what it’s worth, I do think that your approach to the game is a very valid strategy, and I also think you’re selling yourself short - having conspired with you on many occasions I have found you to be a skillful contributor with your own ideas and capabilities, definitely nothing like a passenger - but I do understand that you have to find your own value to these things. I hope we do see you back in the game sometime in the future.

Kevan: he/him

08-06-2023 16:49:56 UTC

Very much appreciate the introspection here. Fair enough if you’re not getting as much out of the game as you used to, but anyone willing to engage with and question the mechanics - privately or publicly - is always very welcome and appreciated, however much metagame is going on.

lemon: she/her

09-06-2023 00:58:23 UTC

sad to see u go, but thanks for the explanation & im glad to know you’ll still be around on the discord :0

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

09-06-2023 02:56:43 UTC

I just wasn’t finding gameplay in the way I was doing it satisfying anymore, I absolutely love the community here. Thanks to all of you for being understanding.