Voter apathy
Voting on some of the recently enacted proposals is down to two. Two votes cast! That’s rubbish.
Is it worth mentioning that I’ve got a great idea for a new dynasty?
I’ve never been a fan of metadynasies, but this isn’t entirely a revolt post - it’s more just a notice, I guess, that we’re loosing the majority of people to apathy. They clearly can’t think of a way to make the game interesting for themselves, so perhaps we’re better off focusing more tightly on what remaining cjhanges need to be made to the ruleset while winding the irrelevant stuff up quickly.
Kevan: he/him
I’m sure you’d get an influx of old and new players, and greater enthusiasm from existing people, if a new Dynasty was started with a good theme and Emperor.
Relatedly, this is the first time I’ve come back to look at BlogNomic and the top entry hasn’t been a one-sentence this-is-not-suspicious wonder from Bucky.