Proposal: Votes and Power
Popular, 9-0. Josh
Adminned at 22 Feb 2021 09:32:18 UTC
In the rule Victory and Ascension, remove the text “This rule cannot be overruled by Dynastic Rules as it relates to Declarations of Victory, but it can be overruled in other matters.”
Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called The Elective Monarchy:
During the Fourteenth Dynasty of Josh, the rule Victory and Ascension has no effect. The Electors, as a singular collective entity, have achieved Victory.
Each Elector has a score for Political Power, which is a non-negative integer that defaults to 10 and which is privately tracked by the Doge. They also have a Political Heft, which is their Political Power expressed as a percentage of the sum of the Political Powers of all Electors.
At any time, any Elector may post a Declaration of Victory (DoV). While it is open, every Elector may cast Votes on that DoV to indicate support or oppsition. The Doge may only cast a vote of FOR on a DoV, and may only cast such a vote if the sum of the Political Hefts of all Electors whose EVC on that DoV is FOR is over 50%.
A pending DoV may be enacted by any admin if the Doge has voted FOR it.
A pending DoV may be failed by any admin if 24 hours have elapsed since it was posted and the Doge has not voted FOR it.
If a DoV is Failed, the Elector who posted it cannot make another DoV until after 72 hours (3 days) have passed since the time their DoV was Failed, and that Elector and any Elector who voted FOR it lose 1 Political Power.
When a DoV is Enacted, all other pending DoVs are Failed, and a new Dynasty begins in which the Elector who made the DoV becomes the Doge.
The new Doge will make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. This should specify the Doge’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specify that the terms “Elector” and “Doge” will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire Ruleset (where the replacement terms are different, and neither includes any words in a form in which they already appear in the non-dynastic Ruleset), and/or list a number of dynastic rules to keep. When such an Ascension Address is posted, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed. Between the enactment of the DoV and the posting of the Ascension Address, no new DoV may be made and BlogNomic is on Hiatus.
Before an Ascension Address has been posted for a new Dynasty, the Doge may pass the role of Doge to another Elector by making a post to that effect.
When an Ascension Address has been posted, the Elector who is making the changes specified within it to the ruleset must also add the following text to the end of the rule Victory and Ascension: “This rule cannot be overruled by Dynastic Rules as it relates to Declarations of Victory, but it can be overruled in other matters.”
Lulu: she/her
Doesn’t this need the Core tag