Friday, January 26, 2018

Proposal: Weekend Drinking

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2018 22:45:56 UTC

Add to “Social”:

Each Saturday and Sunday of a week is the Weekend. Once per Weekend, a Resident can change one of their Stances to someone to “Neutral”, by making a blog post for this purpose and gaining 10 Hangover.

And amend, if it exists,  “A Resident’s Priority is a non-integer number equal to their Alertness plus one hundredth of their Health.” to:

A Resident’s Priority is a rational number equal to their Alertness plus one hundredth of their Health, at the moment that the latest Crate was spawned.

And amend, if it exists, “Each Resident has a Priority, which is a rational number that can be 0 or larger, tracked in the GNDT equal to their Alertness minus their Hangover plus one hundredth of their Health.” to:

Each Resident has a Priority, which is a rational number that can be 0 or larger, tracked in the GNDT equal to their Alertness minus their Hangover plus one hundredth of their Health, at the moment that the latest Crate was spawned.

Making Residents be able to change Stance and making it so that Priority is “locked in” at the moment that a Crate appears so that we can more easily play and design other mechanics without tripping on that.


Kevan: he/him

26-01-2018 15:59:00 UTC

The second clause here won’t fire if 2.0 version New And Improved! passes and amends the sentence first.


26-01-2018 17:27:28 UTC

Ok, Fixed.

Kevan: he/him

26-01-2018 17:34:42 UTC

What problems are you imagining here if we don’t lock Priority? It seems like it’s working okay without that, so far.


26-01-2018 18:05:51 UTC

I don’t see the point of locking it in, Cractions locking down stat changing mechanics to the Crate already accomplish a similar effect.


26-01-2018 19:42:25 UTC

This is mostly in preparation for other mechanics. For example, live combat or more agile Stance changing. Or anything else, really, which doesn’t have to be strictly bound to Crates, yet still works along side them.

Just tilling our rule-soil for more design space, really.

Kevan: he/him

26-01-2018 22:39:03 UTC

against Leaving Priority unlocked allows for more interesting dynamics within the landscape of a particular crate, I think (“if I choose Kindling and pick you, you’ll be able to grab the Can Opener, which I’d swap for this Backpack”), otherwise we can only set things up for the next, unknown Crate.


26-01-2018 23:00:06 UTC


ya i like per-crate messing about

maybe a rider that uses this priority system and justifies it could convince me


27-01-2018 04:22:24 UTC



27-01-2018 04:50:55 UTC

against gimme proposal slot sooner