Proposal: What Type Of Scientific Facility Is This?
Withdrawn. Josh
Adminned at 13 Nov 2024 11:16:36 UTC
Add a new subrule to the rule Synthesis, called Physical Actions:
Physical actions can be undertaken at any time by any Genetic Scientist who meets their requirements. Where a physical action has a requirement of “Loud”, the Genetic Scientist carrying it out must make a post to the blog announcing that they have done so. Where a physical action has a requirement of “Quiet”, the act of carrying it out is privately tracked by the actor.
Available physical actions are as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
! Physical Action !! Effect !! Requirement
| Credential Lockout || The Head Researcher must count as valid but disregard the next Mutation they received from a single named Genetic Researcher. || Loud; Must be in the Computer Room
| -
| Arm self || The acting Genetic Researcher becomes Armed || Quiet; Must be in Storage or the Kitchen
| -
| Attack other || The acting Genetic Researcher sets the Status of another Genetic Researcher in the same location as themselves to Injured, increases their Understanding by 1, and rolls DICE2; on a result of 2 they cease to be Armed. || Loud; Must be armed
You all seem to have been playing a very peaceful game so far! What if there was more bopping about the head
Lukas: Idle