Monday, November 11, 2024

Proposal: What Type Of Scientific Facility Is This?

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 13 Nov 2024 11:16:36 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule Synthesis, called Physical Actions:

Physical actions can be undertaken at any time by any Genetic Scientist who meets their requirements. Where a physical action has a requirement of “Loud”, the Genetic Scientist carrying it out must make a post to the blog announcing that they have done so. Where a physical action has a requirement of “Quiet”, the act of carrying it out is privately tracked by the actor.

Available physical actions are as follows:

{| class="wikitable"
! Physical Action !! Effect !! Requirement
| Credential Lockout || The Head Researcher must count as valid but disregard the next Mutation they received from a single named Genetic Researcher. || Loud; Must be in the Computer Room
| -
| Arm self || The acting Genetic Researcher becomes Armed || Quiet; Must be in Storage or the Kitchen
| -
| Attack other || The acting Genetic Researcher sets the Status of another Genetic Researcher in the same location as themselves to Injured, increases their Understanding by 1, and rolls DICE2; on a result of 2 they cease to be Armed. || Loud; Must be armed

You all seem to have been playing a very peaceful game so far! What if there was more bopping about the head


Lukas: Idle

11-11-2024 16:26:28 UTC

imperial Will abstain for now; if at least one player is against the idea I will change to AGAINST. Not opposed to the principle but could see it being frustrating as a player.

JonathanDark: he/him

11-11-2024 18:58:56 UTC

My impression of the game was that we would manipulate the Genome such that the Organisms would be acting on the Genetic Engineers’ behalf and causing havoc for the other Engineers.

That said, I’m ok with Credential Lockout but I don’t really care for the other Physical actions.


Kevan: he/himIdle

12-11-2024 10:00:13 UTC

Instant win here in combination with Brushcutting, by getting in quick and Credentially Locking everyone out immediately after a Synthesis.


Josh: he/they

12-11-2024 10:15:43 UTC

Withdrawn against

Kevan: he/himIdle

12-11-2024 16:37:11 UTC

Easily the strongest move of the dynasty so far, though. Welcome back!