Proposal: Where do I stand?
This proposal was found to have veiws that dissented with the opinion of the government. Until further notice, this proposal shall be held at an undisclosed location.
That is all.
General Amnistar
Adminned at 11 Feb 2009 14:58:41 UTC
Create a new rule called “Ranks”:
Each Soldier has a Rank, tracked in the GNDT. At any time, a Soldier may set their Rank to highest possible for which that Soldier meets all requisites. If a Rank has no requisites listed, no Soldier may set eirself to that Rank unless another Rule or Proposal explicitly allows so. The following is a list of Ranks in order from highest to lowest, as well as their requisites, after a colon.
# General
# Brigadier
# Colonel
# Major
# Captain
# Lieutenant
# Sergeant
# Corporal
# Private: The Soldier does not meet the requisites of a higher Rank.
arthexis: he/him
The funky #‘s are for making enactment easier.