Proposal: 40 Lashes for the Rule Lawyers
10-0, timed out. Enacted by Captain Elias IX.
Adminned at 16 Feb 2006 10:49:14 UTC
Herewith find the ammended full text of the slightly changed proposed rule.
Each swashbuckler is assigned a number of black marks (with an initial value of 0) tracked by the GNDT. This keeps track of the number of times the first mate or captain have caught the swashbuckler shirking. The Captain or first mate may, once per day, check if any swashbucklers are shirking and if so, may add 1 black mark to that swashbuckler’s black mark rating but may only do so if that swashbuckler’s duty has not changed in the previous 24 hours.
If a swashbuckler has five or more black marks the captain may order a lashing. A lashing reduces the GPS of the lashee by 2 and removes one item of motley not gained through injury. Due to the pain involved, the swashbuckler may not initiate any duels for the following 48 hours. The number of black marks of the swashbuckler is reduced by five.
The captain is required to maintain a ship’s log detailing all such punishments in the form of a blog entry.
Please be nice…