Proposal: A Vampire Lord’s Home is its Castle
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Jun 2021 07:56:32 UTC
In the rule “The Crypt of Dracula”, amend
while explored rooms have a background colour of #666666
while explored rooms have a background colour of #666666 (or #CCCC00, if they are a Sepulchre)
Append a new paragraph to “Vampire Lords”:
Each Vampire Lord has an Influence, which is a publicly tracked non-negative integer defaulting to 0. While a Vampire Lord does not have a Sepulchre, changes which would increase their Influence instead do nothing, and any Vampire Lord or Richardo von Nestor may set their Influence to 0.
If there is a subrule “Sepulchres”, repeal it.
Enact a subrule “Sepulchres” to “The Crypt of Dracula”:
A Vampire Lord may have up to one Sepulchre, which is an explored room. The location of a Vampire Lord’s Sepulchre (if any) is publicly tracked.
If Richardo von Nestor moves into a room which is a Vampire Lord’s Sepulchre, then the Sepulchre collapses: that Vampire Lord is set to have no Sepulchre, the room becomes unexplored, and the room loses its name, description and effect.
Add the following bullet point just after the first bullet point in the list in the rule “Richardo’s Journey”:
Add the following paragraph to the rule “Lair Actions”:
- Increase the Influence of each Vampire Lord with a Sepulchre by 1
Inhabiting a Room is a Power Action with a cost of 3, which can only be taken by a Vampire Lord with no Sepulchre. The Vampire Lord may select an explored room that is neither a Sepulchre nor the room located at E4, and set their Sepulchre to that room. This action can only be performed on a room that is diagonally adjacent to a room reachable from room E4 by a path of orthogonally connected explored rooms.If any room has a name of the form “X’s Sepulchre”, where “X” is the name of a Vampire Lord, that room becomes that Vampire Lord’s Sepulchre. Set all other Vampire Lords to have no Sepulchre.
Giving people somewhere to be. The Influence Score tracks how long you managed to stay in the dungeon without Richardo finding you.
Hopefully this will also give us something to do (and a reason to spend Puissance), in that we can defend our Sepulchres, and indirectly attack each others’ by diverting Richardo towards them.
ais523: Custodian
It took me a few minutes to write this.
I suspect that “Mystifying Maze” (which was mostly copy-pasted) is actually an older proposal than this one is, and they’ve just appeared the wrong way round due to “entry date” (which I’m not allowed to edit) showing the point at which you started writing, rather than the point at which you finished writing.
Maybe we’ll need a CFJ to put the queue back in order?