Abilene Paradox Test
End the current dynasty without a winner and begin a Meta-Dynasty
I am expecting this to fail, but I’m just testing in the event we have an Abilene Paradox and nobody really likes this style of gameplay.
End the current dynasty without a winner and begin a Meta-Dynasty
I am expecting this to fail, but I’m just testing in the event we have an Abilene Paradox and nobody really likes this style of gameplay.
This doesn’t count as a proposal, as it’s not in the proposal category. (You’d still be in the 15-minute window to correct that, except that by adding a comment to it you’ve locked yourself out of doing so.)
I suppose voting to “end” a dynasty might be enough to informally consider the group to now be playing the next dynasty, for historical purposes, and “begin a Meta-Dynasty” is probably enough to implicitly remove the Onlooker role from Trapdoorspyder, but absent of further instructions we’d continue playing under the same dynastic ruleset.
I would vote against this were it a proposal.
Benbot: he/him