Thursday, February 12, 2009

Proposal: Accidental Fragmentation Grenade Explosions

It has been brought to the attention of the Senior Officers that some individual seem to feel that grenades are toys.  This is not true.  They are shiny and amazing tools that must be used very discreetly and appropriately to blow up things.  Like this proposal.

That is all.

General Amnistar

Adminned at 12 Feb 2009 15:56:32 UTC

Create a new dynastic rule, titled Grenades, with the following text:

There is a statistic, tracked in the GNDT, called Frag Grenades.  New Soldiers start with one frag grenade.

Give each soldier 1 frag grenade.

Give Amnistar 3 more frag grenades.

If more than half of the valid votes on this proposal contain the text “Accidents happen”, create a subrule of the rule Grenades, titled Accidents, with the following text:

As a weekly action, a Soldier, hereby known as the Grenadier, may find one of their grenades to be in another soldier(the Target)‘s tent, with the pin pulled.  By accident, of course.  To do that, the Grenadier must decrease their Frag Grenades stat by one, and roll DICE8.  The Target’s health is then decreased by an amount equal to the result of that roll.  The General may not be the Target of this.  If this action would decrease the Grenadier’s Frag Grenades to an amount below 0, this action cannot be done by that soldier.

Accidental frag grenade explosions are frowned upon by the General.



12-02-2009 06:09:57 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-02-2009 06:43:44 UTC

for Accidents happen

*accidentallys a grenade under Cliche’s pillow*


12-02-2009 06:51:59 UTC

for Author for, Accidents happen

Darknight: he/him

12-02-2009 07:50:24 UTC

for Accidents happen

SingularByte: he/him

12-02-2009 11:04:59 UTC

for Accidents happen

ais523: Custodian

12-02-2009 11:38:01 UTC

for You never know when accidents will happen.

Kevan: he/him

12-02-2009 12:15:18 UTC



12-02-2009 13:07:56 UTC



12-02-2009 16:42:47 UTC

for  for  for

Amnistar: he/him

12-02-2009 17:05:25 UTC

imperial Indentionally not voting on this one.

I would personally prefer there be no way to intentionally attack other members of the nomic, but accidents might happen during skirmishes (or ‘accidently’ happen there) but if people want this I’m fine with it being put in.


12-02-2009 17:22:16 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2009 17:26:36 UTC

against CoV to explicit AGAINST, then. Although there’s no victory condition yet, this could become a boringly effortless “quick, stop that guy from winning” later on.


12-02-2009 17:36:15 UTC



12-02-2009 18:02:59 UTC

I actually like it for the reason Kevan dislikes it, but it mentions tents in the rule as an embellishment, but we might actually make rules about tents.  The by accident thing is cutesy, and could have all sorts of weird CfJs filed, depending on future rules.  More concise and clear, and I’d vote for it.

COV against

Wooden Squid:

12-02-2009 20:02:57 UTC



12-02-2009 20:31:43 UTC

against S/K for improvements.

Amnistar: he/him

12-02-2009 23:55:34 UTC