Ascension Address: Ascension Address
All Travellers within a 10 billion second radius from 1419/11/26 16:12:44 are to report to that time immediately. I know many of you are on important assignments, but your presence is needed here. I have just accomplished the rather trivial task of ensuring that the Abbot of the Badia a Passignano passed away at precicely the correct microsecond; but as I was working on this task, many things were happening around me that I had not forseen, although I should have been able to. There are indications that some malicious force is at work here, attempting to cause a paradox of great magnitude; but I cannot identify the source of the trouble. I can only hope that you, as humans, are able to help me thwart this force—I find myself quite weakened after making even a casual investigation. You are all to follow orders of Angry Grasshopper, Bucky, Da Vinci, Excalabur, Gabriel, Greth, Kevan, Purplebeard, ShadowClaw, TAE, Thelonious, and Thorolf, in addition to myself—Each of these Travellers has proven emself quite competent in the field of paradox prevention.
—Arbiter of Time
All Dynastic Rules except 2.1 “Blessings” are repealed. “Monk”, “Abbot”, and “Blessings” become “Traveller”, “Arbiter”, and “Shiny” (respectively).
Dun DUN!