Saturday, February 12, 2022

Proposal: Back to Basics

Times out 6-5. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2022 20:47:27 UTC

Add a new rule to the beginning of the Dynastic ruleset titled “Tic-Tac-Toe Rules”:

Tic-Tac-Toe is a game for two players where one player plays as the symbol X and one player as the symbol O. The game is played on a 3x3 grid of spaces (AKA the board), where each space defaults to blank. Blank spaces are represented by the symbol _.

Starting with a randomly selected player, each player takes turns making a move until the game is over. A valid move consists of replacing exactly one blank space on the board with your symbol.

The first time either player forms a complete row of their symbol spanning the entire vertical, horizontal, or diagonal length of the board, then the game is over and the player who formed the complete row wins. If there are no remaining blank spaces on the board and neither player has won, then the game is over and ends in a tie.

When a player “wins” a game of Tic-Tac-Toe as described in this rule, it does not necessarily mean that they have achieved victory in the game of BlogNomic.

If the rule “The Grid” exists, replace “The game is played on a 3x3 grid of spaces (AKA the board), where each space defaults to blank” with “The game is played on an NxN grid of spaces (AKA the board) where N is the Grid Size, and each space defaults to blank”.

If the rule “Symbology” exists, replace “where one player plays as the symbol X and one player as the symbol O” with “where each player has a distinct symbol”.


Lulu: she/her

13-02-2022 00:07:05 UTC


wdtefv: hu/hum

13-02-2022 00:45:15 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

13-02-2022 04:31:23 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

13-02-2022 05:42:56 UTC

a game of tic tac toe with 10 players seems interesting but I’d have to see it in practice

Zack: he/him

13-02-2022 05:50:58 UTC

@lendunistus Did you comment on the right proposal?

Josh: he/they

13-02-2022 07:49:36 UTC


Thunder: he/him

13-02-2022 19:09:43 UTC


Brendan: he/him

13-02-2022 21:47:12 UTC

“... it does not necessarily mean that they have achieved victory in the game of BlogNomic.” “Unless the player is Zack! Mwa ha!”  against

Darknight: he/him

14-02-2022 04:14:07 UTC


Clucky: he/him

14-02-2022 04:25:40 UTC


“Starting with a randomly selected player, each player takes turns making a move until the game is over”

is poorly defined.

if it allows players to go before everyone else has gone, then it allows two players to collab to get wins.

if it forces everyone to go once before someone can go again… I think it slows the game down into a very linear order of needing to know whose turn it is and people like Darknight who often don’t take dynastic actions would grind it to a total halt.

Zack: he/him

14-02-2022 05:15:28 UTC

@Brendan I have no idea what you mean by that

@Clucky I mean it’s just a framework,  assuming my Challenge proposal fails there isn’t going to be any ruleset-regulated way to play a round with these rules.

Zack: he/him

14-02-2022 05:16:21 UTC

Also Clucky I think you’re confused, these rules specifically describe a game that is between only two players.


14-02-2022 05:49:25 UTC

against Too much overloading of the terms game, players, and wins/victory. Also, I’m willing to move in Josh’s direction, with combo effects and such. Starting with a simple tic tac toe might be interesting, but BN moves fast in the opening stages of a dynasty, and I think we’ve gone too far past that point.

Clucky: he/him

14-02-2022 16:54:27 UTC

Yeah definitely don’t think we should over define the word player like that. Too much confusion.

wdtefv: hu/hum

14-02-2022 18:05:54 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

14-02-2022 20:15:28 UTC
