Sunday, March 02, 2025

Proposal: [Building Blocks] By Our Powers Combined

Copy the rule “Declared Alliances” and its contents from the Building Blocks wiki page to a rule with the same name in the Building Blocks section.

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, add a subrule named “Alliances” with the following text:

A set of Meeples who are each named in the other’s Alliance are considered to be in a Verified Alliance.

A Meeple in a Verified Alliance with the Current Meeple may perform actions described in the rule “The Turn” on behalf of the Meeple who is the Current Meeple; whenever they do so, those actions are performed as if the Meeple who is the Current Meeple is performing them.

This allows Meeples to join Alliances and effectively control each other’s Tokens and Turns, which should speed things up if some Meeples are willing to let others take Turns for them. The “Verified Alliance” option keeps Meeples from doing this maliciously to other Meeples; if you put a Meeple in your Alliance, you are consenting to let them control your Turn for the potential benefit of achieving victory with their help.



02-03-2025 05:38:17 UTC

While I agree that speeding up the game still further is likely a good thing, I continue to not really be a fan of pooling mechanics.

Although I’m likely to vote against this regardless, some suggestions to fix the wording:

I think the “considered to be the owner of” is likely to lead to weird rules breakages (e.g. you can temporarily change your alliance to change what your most recently moved token is by changing the definition of “your”).

The wording of mandatory actions in the current version of the proposal is broken – if you’re performing actions on behalf of someone else you can end their turn to skip mandatory actions.

I think a better approach (that avoids introducing potentially scammable new mechanics) is to let Meeples in the same Verified Alliance take actions defined in “The Turn” on behalf of each other? That way, it clearly doesn’t let you do anything you couldn’t do on your own, whilst still producing the sort of gameplay you’re likely to be looking for.

JonathanDark: he/him

02-03-2025 06:59:50 UTC

I actually intended for the ability to skip mandatory actions, but on second thoughts, I realize that’s too powerful and forces non-allied Meeples to form an Alliance to take advantage of such a benefit.

I’ll scale this back to be more like what you suggested, which also keeps it simpler. If we want to add further abilities to Alliances, that can be future Proposals.

JonathanDark: he/him

02-03-2025 07:30:04 UTC

The wording may look a little cumbersome, but I was worried that if it said “may perform as if they were the Current Meeple”, that could be argued as transferring the state of Current Meeple to the allied Meeple, allowing them to take multiple of their own Turns, which is not what is intended.


02-03-2025 19:14:34 UTC

I hate to be picky but I’ll have to against. I’m not a big fan of some people just becoming action reserves and not really playing the game at all (at that point, we may as well just kick them out). When I was thinking teams I was more thinking everyone on a team can be the Current Meeple at the same time, and the turn order contains teams rather than Meeples. That way there’d be only 3 delay periods to get through instead of 7, and rounds would go a lot faster

JonathanDark: he/him

02-03-2025 19:31:29 UTC

That’s fair. I started going down that road and it got too wordy for my liking. There’s a lot of mechanics around Meeple’s controlling Tokens and action results applying directly to a Meeple. Unwinding that might be a bit of a chore.

Josh: he/they

02-03-2025 19:47:10 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

02-03-2025 23:36:09 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

03-03-2025 03:24:42 UTC

I’m withdrawing this. I came up with a better way to do this. New proposal coming as soon as I have a slot available.


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