Proposal: Buyers Market
Timed out / quorumed 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 25 May 2021 08:49:39 UTC
If passes, this proposal does nothing
Add a new dynastic rule called “The Bulletin Board” and give it the following text
There exists a publicly tracked Bulletin Board which a list of pairs of names of Brokers (the Seller) and positive integer values (the Price)
A Broker may remove any entry from the Bulletin Board for which they are the Seller at any time. If they are not already the Seller for five entries on the Bulletin Board, a Broker may add a new entry to the Bulletin Board with their name and any positive integer value they choose at any time.
When a Broker goes idle, all entries for which they are the Seller are removed from the Bulletin Board.
At any time, as an atomic action a Broker (the Buyer) may choose an entry on the Bulletin Board where they are not the Seller, reduce their Cash by that entry’s Price, increase the Seller’s cash by that entry’s Price, and remove the entry from the Bulletin Board. This grants the Buyer one favour from the Seller. (Note that this action may not be performed by a Buyer if it would set the Buyer’s Cash below zero, or cause the Buyer to have too many favours)
Add the following to the start of the “Favours” special case rule
When a new dynasty starts, if at any point during the most recent dynasty any new favours were added which were owed by the new Collector to another Broker, the collector must make this rule active.
Kevan: he/him
A whole Favour even for some $5 piece of junk seems a bit steep.