Proposal: Cheese
Reached Quorum. 12 for, 2 against. Can someone create the GNDT field? I don’t know how to do it…—Shadowclaw
Adminned at 04 Mar 2006 09:57:34 UTC
Let there be created a GNDT field entitled ‘Cheese’, that takes numeric integer values less than 10.
Add a rule, entitled ‘Cheese’, with the text
Any time a Swashbuckler does something especially noteworthy in the cause of improving the core ruleset of blognomic, or which is otherwise cool or neat, or maybe even which involves making cool new gadgets for blognomic, or stuff, let him be awarded a wheel of cheese. Cheese may only be awarded by proposal, or, if on any proposal more than one-half of the counted voting comments include the word ‘cheese’, the proposer recieves one cheese. No Swashbuckler may have more than 10 cheeses.