Proposal: Doing Stuff to Get Things
Perform the Income action once on behalf of every Seeker, regardless of any restrictions on its frequency of occurrence.
Repeal the rule “Wealth Actions”.
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Vocating”:
As a Daily Action, a Seeker may Be Productive. This is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Choose a Vocation you have (considered the Activity for the rest of this action).
* Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action and the start of today, to a maximum of 7.
* For every other Seeker who also has the Activity as one of their Vocations, reduce X by 1, to a minimum of 0.
* For every Resource the Activity is Strongly Correlated with, gain 20 * X of that Resource. For every Resource the Activity is Correlated with, gain 10 * X of that Resource. For every Resource the Activity is Negatively Correlated with, lose 5 * X of that Resource, to a minimum of 0.When a Seeker updates the gamestate tracker as a result of performing this action, they are encouraged to mention in the edit summary that they are being productive.
Consider every Seeker to have performed Be Productive at the moment this proposal enacts (but do not generate any Resources for those Seekers).
Per Josh: a simple action which can be taken to generate some Resources.
JonathanDark: he/him
Thanks for that!