Story Post: Escape from Banewood Mansion
The runes on the three Fragments glowed as a bright white light appeared before Trapdoorspyder. A voice from within the light spoke, “I am the Master of Banewood Mansion. You have summoned me, and I have found you worthy. I hereby set you free from this house and its demon Katastrophe. Go forth and seek your fortune outside these walls.” The light disappeared, and Trapdoorspyder found himself standing outside of a boarded-up mansion on the verge of collapse. A sign posted on the door stated that this was Banewood Mansion and that it was scheduled to be demolished on January 11, 2023. Trapdoorspyder walked away, free from the Mansion’s clutches.
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SingularByte: he/him
This dynasty has been an interesting one, but admittedly I’ve been playing a different game to every other player on account of gaining the possessed status early and holding onto it all game. For everyone is, much of it was likely directionless walking until useful items appeared nearby, but for me it was a challenge in resource management - for instance I could (and did) distract people from finding my cat by dropping new rooms or even dropping a fragment on their head that they would spend the whole turn collecting it, but with the risk that it makes them more powerful in the endgame.
In the early game when I set out to find the cat, I did actually intend to just be a neutral party with the purpose of keeping the cat safe and making the game an equal challenge for all major players. Once TDS sought me out for an alliance though, I ended up going all in on that instead.
The end-game definitely was quite a fluke in places - I had no way of counting on the utility room having the perfect malfeasance for a one turn victory, nor did I know that the lights would go out the moment I moved there, making the malfeasance actually usable.