Proposal: Everyone feels better with the Monster gone
unpopular 2-1 failed by card
Adminned at 24 Nov 2019 19:14:06 UTC
In the rule “The Adventurers”, repeal the sentence “If an Adventurer with non-zero Havoc (known as the “Harrowed”) is not the Monster, any Adventurer may add the Harrowed’s Havoc to the Harrowed’s Merit, then set the Harrowed’s Havoc to zero.”
In the sub-rule “The Monster”, amend “If there is no Monster and there is at least one Adventurer who hasn’t been the Monster in this dynasty” as follows:
If there is no Monster, no Adventurer is Harrowed and there is at least one Adventurer who hasn’t been the Monster in this dynasty
In the same sub-rule, amend the final paragraph as follows:
Once an Adventurer ceases to be the Monster, and until they have been Soothed, they are considered to be Harrowed. If an Adventurer is Harrowed, any Adventurer or the Priest can Soothe them by taking the following steps:
– Increase the Merit of every Adventurer other than the Harrowed by 1000 - X, where X is the Harrowed’s Havoc before anyone attempts to Soothe them.
– Increase the Harrowed’s Merit by X (see previous step), then set the Harrowed’s Havoc to zero.
– Set every Adventurer’s HP to its default value for that Adventurer.Once these steps have been completed, the Harrowed Adventurer has been Soothed and is no longer Harrowed.
In the rule “Aftermath”, amend “After Passing Judgement” as follows:
After Judgement has been Passed, and so long as no Adventurer is Harrowed
Following this. Also, it makes sense for all after-effects of the Battle to happen at the same time.
Kevan: he/him
Might make even more sense to merge the Merit/HP update with the existing “Harrowed” update, to remove the automatic, invisible Merit update entirely.