Proposal: Exit Light, Enter Night
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan with some leeway given to “and change “which act as default settings for the items, dark/lit states and Malfeasances that rooms of that type may have”.”
Adminned at 08 Dec 2022 16:42:38 UTC
If Proposal: Hello Darkness My Old Bro and Proposal: I’m Right Behind You were not enacted then this proposal has no effect.
In the rule Rooms, add the following to the list of qualities a room can have:
* Optionally, a Malfeasance, which must be a Planned Action that can only be performed in that Room when it is Dark.
In the same room, change “except for its Type” to “except for its Type and Malfeasance” and change “which act as default settings for the items, dark/lit states and Malfeasances that rooms of that type may have”.
Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called Malfeasances, with the following text:
A Room may have a Malfeasance, which is always a Planned Action that is listed in this rule, and which may only be carried out when the Explorer occupies that Room and when that Room is Dark.
Malfeasances have a flavour-text Name, an Effect which is carried out as the effect of the Planned Action, and Restrictions, which must be in place for the Planned Action to take place.
A Room’s Malfeasance is privately tracked by the Narrator. At any time, an Explorer who is possessed by Katastrophe may privately ask the Narrator what the Malfeasance is in the room that they current occupy; if that Explorer is still in the same room and is still possessed by Katastrophe then the Narrator should truthfully respond at their earliest opportunity.
Possible Malfeasances are as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Malfeasances
! Name || Effect || Restrictions
| Kidnapping || The acting Explorer and the named target Explorer are moved to the named other Room || An Explorer other than the actor, in the same Room as the actor, and another target Room must be named
Brendan: he/him