Proposal: File Storage Upgrade
Quorum Reached. Passes 7-0—Clucky
Adminned at 25 Apr 2021 20:42:32 UTC
In the rule Data, replace this:
The different characters in a Data Store mean the following things:
V - A Virus
F - A File
$ - A Financial Record
with this:
In a Data Store, a single letter from the Latin alphabet (A-Z) represents a File. Any other characters in a data store mean the following things:
% - A Virus
$ - A Financial RecordWhen an action or rule directs an AI to add a File to a Data Store, the AI may choose any letter for that file. When an action or rule directs the Facility Head to add a File to a Data Store, they should choose the Nth letter of the alphabet, where N is the result of a DICE26.
In each room’s Data Store, replace all ‘V’ characters with a ‘%’ character.
Opens up more possibilities for files.
Clucky: he/him
One area of concern is that if you have the Facility Head performing the “For each Conspicuous action in the Behavior Log whose Location is an AI’s server room and was not performed by that AI, add a File to that Location (if it is possible to do so)” its not clear which file they should add