Proposal: For Good, or for Awesome?
time-out, passed 4-0-1, enacted by aaronwinborn
Adminned at 30 Sep 2007 09:23:39 UTC
In the Kaiju Attributes rule, change the line:
The purpose of these powers is when a Kaiju God takes over direct control of a Monster, the Monster gains these powers.
As a daily action, a Kaiju God may activate one of its powers.
Add the following to the Powers section of the rule Kaiju Attributes:
Teleport Monster – Move a monster to any Neighborhood it is not already in, even if it does not have a location unless it has never had a location (has not yet entered play before.)
Empower Monster – Choose one section of the monster. So long as the name for the attribute in that section is not five or more words, add one word to the attribute for that section and gather the threat rating for the word the same as when initially creating a monster. Add the threat rating from te new word to the current threat rating for that section as well as the current threat rating. As with when initial naming an attribute, the word should be derived from something in the image for that section.
Weaken Monster – Choose one section of a monster. So long as the name for the attribute in that section is not less than two words, remove one word from the attribute for that section and subtract from that section’s threat rating as well as the current threat rating the value that word added.
[Monster] Attacks [Monster]: If the two named Monsters are in the same Neighborhood, the one with the lowest Threat Rating is removed from the Neighborhood (and has no location).
[Monster] Attacks [Monster]: If the two named Monsters are in the same Neighborhood, choose one of the three sections of each monster at random using 1DICE3 in the GNDT. The monster whose chosen section has the lowest threat rating now is removed from the Neighborhood (and has no location).
I removed Scramble, and made the Weaken and Empower different so they adjust the threat rating for the attribute and the current threat rating.