Call for Judgment: Forcibly burying the seeds
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 3 votes to 6 by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Jan 2023 13:27:41 UTC
Amend the dynastic rule entitled “Basic Mechanics” by replacing
The Onlooker has not yet executed the first Production of Resources and that Settler has not yet performed Sow the Seeds
That Settler has never before Sown the Seeds.
Uphold each attempt to Sow the Seeds that would have been valid at the time had the above change been made before it occurred.
My attempt to Sow the Seeds was invalid because it happened after the first production but I did not attempt to Harvest the Crop beforehand (because that would have involved nothing).
Kevan: he/him
Is it intentional that this would allow a new player to join, look at the last dice results, and Sow the Seeds to match, before immediately Harvesting?
It’s a friendly catchup mechanism, but can also be exploited by a team if it’s guaranteed that for each player you persuade to unidle (or in the case of dynasty-inactive players, start playing), you can immediately trade X resources from them.