Thursday, March 10, 2016

Proposal: Fresh Meat

Timed out/self-killed. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 12 Mar 2016 15:17:47 UTC

Reword the rule “Action Points” as follows:

Orcs have a numerical amount of Action Points or AP which is tracked in the GNDT and defaults to 3. As a Daily Communal Action, an Orc may increase each Fatigued Orc’s AP by 1. An Orc is Fatigued if their AP is less than the total of their Strength and Dexterity.

The number of AP held by the active Orc with the highest AP, or by the Orcs who are tied for the highest AP, is called the Sloth Number. If an Orc has never had their AP set before, it is set by default to the Sloth Number.

Trying to reduce the disadvantage of joining the game late.


Kevan: he/himIdle

10-03-2016 09:31:29 UTC

Note: This would overwrite the amendment made by Peak Condition.

Brendan: he/himIdle

10-03-2016 20:09:12 UTC

Note: thank you, corrected.

Kevan: he/himIdle

10-03-2016 21:22:30 UTC

A new player joining when we were all on 4 AP would start with 32 AP, which is a lovely scam but not one that I’m going to try using.


Larrytheturtle: Idle

10-03-2016 22:28:40 UTC

They would start with low stats though? So I don’t see it as being that scam able but I guess the possibility exists.

RaichuKFM: she/herIdle

12-03-2016 01:49:05 UTC

Wait, wait, am I missing something?

Oh, wait.

I suppose, in the event of a tie, the Sloth Number is arguably set to the number held by everyone who’s tied, added together. I don’t know if I’d favor that interpretation, but it’s a dangerous scam. against

I’d support a fixed version; define Sloth Number as “The single highest amount of AP held by any one Orc”, maybe? That should still work if there’s a tie, I think?

Brendan: he/himIdle

12-03-2016 15:17:10 UTC

against s/k