Sunday, May 05, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Fisherman

Haul punted after 48 hours with no quorum reached.

Adminned at 19 May 2024 16:04:16 UTC

With a small bribe to the harbour guard to look the other way, the group board a small fishing vessel and find a total of 15 Florins, a Gold Ring and a Lockpick below deck.

NadNavillus Eavesdropped while JonathanDark sought Cash and the others pursued the Standard plan.


JonathanDark: he/him

05-05-2024 17:14:50 UTC

I think this is actually straightforward. NadNavillus took some Notoriety and I paid some Florins into this, so here’s my idea.

I propose that NadNavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark gets the Lockpick, and 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Juniper.ohyegods, lendunistus, and Xebec gets 2 Florins each.

Kevan: he/him

05-05-2024 18:21:02 UTC

(Haul corrected from 14 to 15 Florins, I forgot to include the “Add 1 Florin to the Haul” bonus.)

JonathanDark: he/him

05-05-2024 18:22:41 UTC

After Kevan corrected the Florin count in the Haul, this needs a little adjustment so:

I propose that NadNavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark gets the Lockpick and 3 Florins, and 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, Juniper.ohyegods, lendunistus, and Xebec gets 2 Florins each.

Clucky: he/him

06-05-2024 02:06:19 UTC

I propose that NadNavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark gets the Lockpick and 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, Juniper.ohyegods, and JonathanDark get 3 Florins each.

Xebec and Lendun have not posted in any of the recent hauls. Not sure why we should keep giving them any Florins. If they want to participate, happy to reinclude them.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-05-2024 02:26:40 UTC

I agree with Clucky

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

06-05-2024 07:26:37 UTC

Yep. I’ll agree with Clucky.

Nad: he/him

06-05-2024 09:50:27 UTC

I agree with Clucky.