Story Post: Haul: The Fisherman
Haul punted after 48 hours with no quorum reached.
Adminned at 19 May 2024 16:04:16 UTC
With a small bribe to the harbour guard to look the other way, the group board a small fishing vessel and find a total of 15 Florins, a Gold Ring and a Lockpick below deck.
NadNavillus Eavesdropped while JonathanDark sought Cash and the others pursued the Standard plan.
JonathanDark: he/him
I think this is actually straightforward. NadNavillus took some Notoriety and I paid some Florins into this, so here’s my idea.
I propose that NadNavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark gets the Lockpick, and 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Juniper.ohyegods, lendunistus, and Xebec gets 2 Florins each.