Proposal: High Risk High Reward
Enacted 10-0. Josh
Adminned at 12 Jan 2023 22:08:50 UTC
If the dynastic rules contain the text
they gain the resource associated with that domain to their Stockpile.
replace it with
they gain an amount of the resource associated with that domain to their Stockpile equal to the Payoff for the number for that domain, defaulting to a single resource if it’s not othewise defined.
and add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset called “Weighted Payoff” with the following text:
The payoffs that correspond to the possible values of rolls or domain associated numbers are as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Payoffs
! Roll !! Payoff
| 2 or 12 || 5
| 3 or 11 || 2
| 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 || 1
| 7 || 0
JonathanDark: he/him
7 is already excluded as a valid Domain value. Are you trying to future-proof this rule?