Declaration of Victory: I am the best humanitarian
Popular. The dice has spoken and the mantle will not be passed. Expect an AA within 24 hours. Josh
Adminned at 12 Mar 2020 11:51:09 UTC
As per the rule Humanitarian Assistance Victory [Prime], I have achieved victory.
Brendan successfully blackmailed me into allowing him 20% of this win, so I’ll be rolling the dice if this passes.
There’s one scam for valiadation; that will be in the comments imminently.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
So the bulk of it is uncontroversial; as established by Cuddlebeam, my Alpha self could buy turboencabulators, which I did; I also shifted my polarity twice (at a cost of zero) to make myself Prime-oriented, before moving through Jenkins to achieve victory.
The dicey bit is the star sign. “Once in the Dynasty, a Scientist may set their Star Sign by rolling DICE12 against the list above, and setting their Star Sign on the Scientists Alpha page of the wiki. Once a Scientist’s Star Sign is set it cannot be changed except as described elsewhere in the ruleset.” You’ll note that this does not stipulate that setting your star sign need follow the result of the dice roll; it only requires that you make a dice roll and then “set [your] star sign”. The defensive version of this scam was ‘oh, that means rthat everyone’s Aquarius because of the appendix’, but this isn’t actually a situation where a game variable has no defined starting value. It allows you to set YOUR star sign, which in my case is, conveniently, Sagittarius.
This, I argue, allowed me to pass through Jenkins for the win.