Monday, April 12, 2021

Call for Judgment: Il Pollo

Unpopular 2-5. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 12 Apr 2021 22:26:23 UTC

For the purposes of the Third Crown Match, and for all previous matches in this Dynasty, consider the only Tricks eligible for scoring to be those that are in the list of active tricks for that game, unless those Tricks were scored using the special ability of the Reali mask.

Here’s my argument: Clucky’s scam is a pretty good long con. But I believe there was a point in the history of Giolitti, as played during this Dynasty, when a) there were active and inactive tricks, and b) a player did not have to explicitly name a trick to score it—it was dependent on Kevan’s review of points when judging the outcome of a game. I might be wrong, and I welcome the proof if so.

But that means that there may be games in the record, contributing to the final Magistrelli scores—which determined within a very small range who ended up in the Finale—when an inactive trick should have been scored, should have changed the outcome, and could invalidate the entire Finale so far. I do not want to go back through fifty-odd games and relitigate them by this metric. I think this CfJ is a good way to obviate that.



12-04-2021 17:58:28 UTC

As of, we already needed to claim score to get it, but there were only six tricks, and so all were always active. So I don’t think your point in time does exist.

Kevan: he/him

12-04-2021 17:59:58 UTC

Yes, I’m not sure any such past games exist: “active tricks” came in a day after players became required to claim tricks by name, and no new games were started between those two posts.

Brendan: he/him

12-04-2021 18:06:32 UTC

I welcome this proof!

Josh: he/they

12-04-2021 18:09:52 UTC



12-04-2021 18:12:31 UTC

against as I’d prefer to not mix the two issues, upholding the old games first before CfJ-ing the third crown match.

Lulu: she/her

12-04-2021 18:15:50 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 18:28:24 UTC

> But I believe there was a point in the history of Giolitti, as played during this Dynasty, when a) there were active and inactive tricks, and b) a player did not have to explicitly name a trick to score it—it was dependent on Kevan’s review of points when judging the outcome of a game. I might be wrong, and I welcome the proof if so.

I feel like the burden of proof is on you and Josh here.

I could say “I’ve checked all 50 games and none of them were scored this way” and then you would have to go find a counter example.

So go find a counter example

Kevan: he/him

12-04-2021 18:34:55 UTC

As I understand it there can be no games where inactive tricks would have been scored silently: players have been required to call their scores since the 23rd of March, and the first game to be played with any tricks inactive started on the 29th, with the score-calling rule in its environment.

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 18:44:22 UTC

sure but weren’t there potentially games where someone scored an inactive trick, not realizing it was inactive?

potentially one of those games could’ve ended by score with their entire score for the play reduced to 0

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 18:45:31 UTC

I just feel whoever claims such a game exists should be the to prove it exists, because my claim it doesn’t exist doesn’t really hold any water unless you all trust me after I change my tune from “I legit donno if such a game exists” to “I checked them all and none of them exist”


12-04-2021 18:45:54 UTC

Although I obviously have a horse in this race, I think this CfJ is somewhat unfair to not also have an escape option for unwinding the last few plays in the game. This would zero out Clucky’s unambiguous points as well.

Josh: he/they

12-04-2021 18:47:57 UTC

Fwiw, pokes, although I didn’t share this with Brendan, Clucky did tell me not to feel like I should include an unwind clause of I CfJ’d, so presumably that’s okay - my assumption is that he wouldn’t be playing differently if this gambit were to be struck down.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

12-04-2021 18:48:10 UTC



12-04-2021 18:49:15 UTC

Even if he wouldn’t play differently, it turns unambiguous l’Ossa points into zero points.

Kevan: he/him

12-04-2021 18:52:02 UTC

[Clucky] True, it’s possible that someone could have claimed the score of an inactive Trick during any later game, and that neither I nor their opponent noticed the mistake.

Josh: he/they

12-04-2021 18:55:28 UTC

It’ll be impossible to disprove, though, as knowledge of the ability to so claim would have likely changed the way that some players would have played in some games - I don’t think that this is a counterfactual that we’ll ever be able to truly eliminate.

Which is why Brendan’s point of view here is persuasive: it’s simplest just to assume that the ruleset meant what we all thought it meant all along.

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 18:59:27 UTC

But “the ruleset meant what we all thought it meant all along” doesn’t feel like the argument Brendan is making

and “turns out the ruleset meant something other than what we all thought it meant all along” is a fairly common occurrence in blognomic

Josh: he/they

12-04-2021 19:03:09 UTC

Sure, but the consequences of that upon a dynasty that’s almost over are incalculable.

Under those circumstances we almost always opt for the simplest possible solution.


12-04-2021 19:04:27 UTC

The simplest possible solution is my CfJ.

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 19:18:48 UTC

So the following games on game 23 and later went the distance:

Game 23:

Game 33:

Game 37:

Game 42:

obviously you’ll probably want to check my work, but nothing else I can do to prove that

Game 23, Raven got all the points he claimed.

Game 32 Clucky got all the points he claimed.

Game 37 Raven claimed 5 points but only scored 2. But his missed score was a Toro, which was active, so just looks like a mistake Kevan made (the game was a runaway scored 14-2, 14-5 would’ve been the same result)

Game 42 Kevan did not post a final score, just confirmed that I won. But no one tried to claim any inactive tricks

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 19:31:38 UTC

“you can’t score inactive tricks” and “turns out you can score inactive tricks” both seem like equally simple solutions to me

and if there have no games that have misscored because of this (just misplayed by everyone because no one noticed) I don’t really see the incalculable damage

Clucky: he/him

12-04-2021 19:32:13 UTC

(realized I never gave this an explicit against )

lemon: she/her

12-04-2021 20:46:45 UTC

i mean, we even noticed this little lack of clarity a week or two ago, didn’t we? but then we never fixed it successfully because we didn’t think it would be that relevant :0

my principles say against

Lulu: she/her

12-04-2021 21:20:52 UTC

against cov