Sunday, December 16, 2012

Proposal: Infamydump

Reached quorum, final vote 9-1. Enacted by Klisz.

Adminned at 16 Dec 2012 19:35:34 UTC

In the rule “Infamy”, replace “The Infamy of a Cult may be tracked in the GNDT; for the purposes of this, Cults may be set up and tracked in the GNDT.” with:-

The Infamy of a Cult is tracked in the rule “Cults”.

In the rule “Cults”, replace “The Names of existing Cults are:-” with:-

The Names and Infamies of existing Cults are:-

...and update the “Cults” rule to include the Infamy of each Cult, after its name, in brackets.

Also remove “until its Headquarters are moved” from the rule “Infamy”.

The list of Cults in Rule 2.1 seems like a decent enough place to mention their Infamies. (For what it’s worth, Rule 2.4 says that Infamy “may be tracked in the GNDT”, and I am quietly electing not to, for now, given that every Cult is Unknown, and there is not yet a mechanism to alter Infamy. If any admin wants to add them, though, feel free.)

Dropping the “until its Headquarters are moved” while I’m here, as there’s no need to say it, and it actually implies that relocating your Notorious Cult from the University to the equally squeamish Cathedral will let you accept new members again.



16-12-2012 01:01:48 UTC



16-12-2012 03:52:48 UTC


quirck: he/him

16-12-2012 07:53:21 UTC



16-12-2012 10:22:52 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

16-12-2012 10:38:04 UTC

against Having the info in the GNDT just makes much more sense to me. The GNDT loads into the sidebar, so it’s visible from the main page, and changes in the GNDT are easier to track than in the wiki, so the information is both more accessible - call me lazy but losing that extra click makes sense to me.

RaichuKFM: she/her

16-12-2012 13:40:24 UTC

for Its in the Ruleset, not the Wiki, if this passes. I, for one, do not want to see 10 more GNDT slots.

Josh: Imperator he/they

16-12-2012 13:50:44 UTC

The rulset is on the wiki.

Kevan: he/him

16-12-2012 14:11:24 UTC

[Josh] Fair points, but I think the GNDT is just too clunky to handle it neatly, as it stands. It will already require some extra clicking and scrolling to view everything, and that will only get worse as other stats arrive for both Cults and Believers.


16-12-2012 19:37:01 UTC



16-12-2012 20:18:17 UTC



17-12-2012 02:05:45 UTC
