Proposal: Interior Design
Adminned at 18 Mar 2020 10:33:14 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Locations:
The Palace of Versailles has many inspirational locations contained within its grounds. The locations in the Palace are the Garden, the Chapel, the Canals, the Battle Gallery and the Marble Hall.
Noblemen can occupy one Location at any time; this is tracked in the Noblemen page of the wiki and defaults to the Marble Hall. Noblemen can change their locations as a daily action.
Each Location is associated with an Item Type (defaulting to Favour of the King), and has a number of Inspirations, both of which are tracked in the Noblemen page of the wiki. If, at any time, a Nobleman is the only Nobleman at a Location, they may change its associated Item Type to any of the Item Types or Subtypes listed in the rule Items.
Add a subrule to this rule, entitled A Moment of Clarity:
As a Daily Action, a Nobleman may have a Moment of Clarity by carrying out the following Atomic Action:
* Create an Item, as per the rule Items, with a Type (and Subtype, if appropriate) that matches the Item Type associated with the Location that they are occupying, and a name of their own choosing that follows the format of “an idea for x” where x is not more than three words.
* Add that Item to the list of Inspirations associated with the Location that they are currently occupying.
* Increase their Prestige by 1.
Remove the first sentence from the rule Items, and change the second to read ‘An item in an auction must have the qualities detailed in this rule, with all quality values except names being selected at random. Item Names are always flavour text.’. After the first sentence of the rule Auctions, add “The Items in the Auction must consist of one item, randomly selected, from the Inspirations of each Location that has any Inspirations to choose from, which Louis XIV must remove from the relevant Inspiration lists and rename with a name of his choosing when the Auction is posted”.
Enacted, 9-0. Josh
Kevan: he/him
The Items created here won’t have Names, I think? It’s also a bit hazy whether we can make Valuable ones, as Noblemen don’t know the median Debt (or does Valuable mean that the Debt change is only calculated and applied at the moment of an Auction win?).