Story Post: Kingmaker: Conditionally flavour text?
The newly enacted “Teams” rule says “As a Weekly Action, a Meeple can set their Team to any string of between 3 and 20 alphanumeric characters, where this string is considered flavor text, as long as all of the following criteria are true:”.
I attempted to set my Team to “Winning”. Because the following criteria are not all true, the team name is not considered flavor text (because the string contains the word “Winning”, which is one of the criteria for the name to not be flavor text).
I am unsure whether the team name not being flavor text implies that I am in fact on the Winning Team. If so, this Kingmaker post is legal. If not, it isn’t. I think it would make sense to use this post to discuss whether the post is legal or not.
so that if people come to a consensus that this works while I’m asleep, it can be adminned without needing to wait for me to wake up (but you should probably hold off on adminning it until there’s a consensus).
On a side note, I was really intrigued as to whether the scam was placed into the proposal intentionally – I thought it might have been, but in retrospect it probably wasn’t.