Monday, October 16, 2017

Proposal: Knock knock!

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 19 Oct 2017 03:20:12 UTC

If “If a Trick-or-Treater Requests Candy at the miser’s house” exist in the ruleset change it to

If a Trick-or-Treater knocks in the Miser’s location

Add a rule “Knock” with the text

If the time is “The Big Night” and a Trick-or-Treater is in a House location they may knock at that location equal to the sum of their costume’s Tricks and Treats values before changing their location. When they knock the House location they are in distributes candy.


derrick: he/him

16-10-2017 19:25:09 UTC

Card, doesn’t rule 2.1 “Trick or Treating” already cover this?


17-10-2017 02:42:45 UTC

your right it does, that’s what happens when you make rules in haste


18-10-2017 20:50:41 UTC
