Proposal: Late Joiners’ Boon
Proposal failed. 1-2-7 - Prince Anduril
Adminned at 20 Nov 2011 05:36:27 UTC
Add a new subrule to the rule “Routes”. Call it “Tailgate” and give it the following text:
A Tailgate Route has a Scouting Cost of 7. When a Driver drives a Tailgate Route, he chooses another Driver to follow. He adds a copy of that Driver’s DICENth non-Blocked Route in that Driver’s Route List (where N is the number of non-Blocked Routes that Driver has) to the end of his own Route List, and marks it as Blocked. He then gains 1 Cash and may remove that Tailgate Route from his Route List.
This gives new players a quicker (probably) way to power up, without helping long-running players too much.
Clucky: he/him
I think it makes it too easy to get good routes. All you need is one player with an airport route at the end of their list…