Legal actions with illegal comments?
Yoda recently claimed to have entered the arena on G2, moved to claim the crate on H1, and then moved back to G1. This is illegal.
However, the same result can be obtained with an entrance at G1 instead.
Should this be considered to be an illegal or illegal set of moves? Thoughts appreciated.
Well, its obvious what he meant: He wrote “entering at G2, moving to crate, then back” and ended his movement on G1.
Anyways, I do not think the comments on the changes to The Arena are Gamestate, thus I think we cannot judge his comments, but only his actions themselves.
The only Rule that comes to my mind that might have been broken is “Gamestate Tracking”: “one GNDT update may contain one or more actions, or one action may be split over multiple GNDT updates, as long as it’s clear what is happening and the actions are otherwise legal”
Since this rule’s subject is the GNDT it would have to be the GNDT update that was unclear. (I’d say it was.)
To me, it’d make a whole lot of sense to put some Rules in place to make some meaningful description of the actions and moves mandatory.