Thursday, September 17, 2020

Proposal: Live by the die, sword by the die

Timed out and enacted, 5-3, with 4 DEF. Josh

correct count updated by derrick

Adminned at 19 Sep 2020 13:19:13 UTC

In the rule Turns, change the text of the Adjust action to read as follows:

Take an Dice Face Action as per the rule Adjustments.

Change the first two paragraphs of the rule Dice to read as follows:

Each Island has a number of Terrain Dice (which may be referred to simply as Dice), which are held on the Great Sea page of the wiki. A Die takes the format of ‘Name: {1,2,3…}’ where the name is a single word of flavour text, and each item is an effect or outcome on the gamestate.

These Dice default to: Brown: {No effect,1 Land,1 Land,1 Land,2 Land}, Green: {No effect,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,2 Foliage}, Red: {No effect,No effect,1 Animal Biomass,2 Animal Biomass}, and White {1 Mana,1 Mana,1 Mana,1 Mana,1 Mana,3 Mana}.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Mana:

Each Island has a quantity of Mana, which is a non-negative integer tracked on the Great Sea page of the wiki.

Add a subrule to the rule Dice, called Adjustments:

An Island taking the Adjust action must choose from the following Dice Face Actions and carry it out. An Island may carry out as many of these Actions as they would like, provided that they can pay the Mana cost:

* Spend 1 Mana: Increase or Decrease one Basic Effect on one of their Dice by 1.
* Spend 2 Mana: Add a Basic Effect that appears on any of their Dice to any of their Dice, or remove a single Basic Effect from any Dice.
* Spend 3 Mana: Remove a No effect result from one of their Dice.
* Spend 5 Mana: Start a new Dice with a name randomly selected from the names of chemical elements (re-roling results that give names that already exist for Dice for that Island)
* Spend 5 Mana: Create a Compound Effect, joining two existing Basic Effects on a single Dice into a single Effect.
* Spend 7 Mana: Destroy one of their own Dice.

Give each Island a red Dice and a white Dice.

Move the action “Seed” to be above “Make a post to the blog summarising their Turn” in the atomic action in the rule Turns, as its own top level action, rather than being part of either indented list.


Kevan: he/him

17-09-2020 09:24:35 UTC

For “Start a new Dice”, does that die have any faces? It’s also maybe left a bit too implicit that this die is created in the ownership of the creator.

I don’t see why Seed should be a compulsory, when we’ve already had Jumble asking on Slack if there’s a way they can avoid performing it (to which the answer is usually going to be “yes”, if one of your stats matches Schwingrasen).

Josh: he/they

17-09-2020 10:04:53 UTC

For Start New Dice, yes, I think no faces.

Seed I really think needs to be mandatory as otherwise it just gets ignored - I think it’s a fun mechanic and I want to see how it plays out. I think as the game goes on it will get harder to evade meaningfully changing Schwingrasen.

derrick: he/him

17-09-2020 10:48:34 UTC

Does this destroy the volcano actions intentionally or unintentionally?

Rewrites can be so destructive.

Josh: he/they

17-09-2020 11:33:33 UTC


Rewrites are the real volcanoes it turns out

Lulu: she/her

17-09-2020 17:08:09 UTC

against the mana thing just isn’t my vibe.

Kevan: he/him

17-09-2020 17:59:53 UTC

Also not feeling the “mana” thing when there are so many geological terms we could raid instead. (We could even just reuse the existing Pressure, to also have these effects.)

Easy to rename things, though.


derrick: he/him

17-09-2020 18:10:23 UTC

The term “Mana” does come from pacific islander culture though.

I feel some minor opposition to this because it overwrites up some of my stuff. I’ll change my vote if its holding up the queue.


Josh: he/they

17-09-2020 18:34:27 UTC

The emperor term Gaia does imply that there is some small spiritual aspect to the game, and while there are thematic terms which could be pushed and pulled into shape I can’t think of any that are suitably meta as to cover the mechanic of changing terrain dice faces.

@derrick - I’ll post a fix now.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

17-09-2020 18:55:55 UTC

I feel like this could result in snowball mechanics mechanics.

Say you build a dice with a 7 mana side. Roll it, get 7 mana,

2 mana, you can add another 7 mana side. 5 mana, you can merge those two 7 mana sides into a 14 mana side. So next turn you get 14 mana.

Depending on if you can take the same action multiple times, you can then either get this up to 28 mana or 56 mana next turn. From there it’ll either quickly spiral (giving you one double to 56 mana) or very quickly spiral (giving you four doubles to 896 mana… followed by 1.65E22 on the turn after at which point the whole system breaks down)

So while I think the idea is good, need to find a way to balance things so they don’t get out of control


Raven1207: he/they

17-09-2020 22:06:31 UTC


Josh: he/they

18-09-2020 08:06:43 UTC

@Clucky yep, bit I think that might be fools gold - it’dc take quite a few turns to set up and I’m not convinced that there’ll be enough turns in the game to make it worth it

derrick: he/him

18-09-2020 11:47:12 UTC


But I’ll be tweaking the mana gaining numbers for sure… I already know just what to do!

Brendan: he/him

18-09-2020 15:32:47 UTC



18-09-2020 16:05:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

18-09-2020 16:54:15 UTC

Currently 6-2.