Thursday, February 16, 2006

Proposal: Lottery!

9-0, timed out. DICE8:5, so the rule is named “Josh is Relatively Pineapple”. -Elias IX

Adminned at 18 Feb 2006 16:34:53 UTC

Name Rule 2.20

X is Relatively Z

but replace with X with the the name of the DICEYth Swashbuckler to vote FOR this proposal. Y is the total number of Swashbucklers who voted FOR this proposal in the comments of this proposal. For purposes of counting the order of FOR votes, the most recent FOR vote is taken in consideration.
Also, replace Z with the word immediately following the voting icon in the counted vote of the Swashbuckler after which Rule 2.20 is named. If there is no word following the voting icon, replace Z with the word “Amotivational”.

Replace “Must be referred to in all BlogNomic posts as “The Nerd”; GPS -20” in rule 2.8.1 with

Must be referred to in all BlogNomic posts as “The Nerd”; GPS -E, where E is eir GPS at the moment before e obtained this combination of motley.




Elias IX:

16-02-2006 19:14:40 UTC

for Explicit vote for counting purposes. 1st.

By the way, if I win the lottery, the rule will be titled “Elias IX is Relatively Explicit”. Have fun.


16-02-2006 19:50:48 UTC

for Odd rule… but fun.


16-02-2006 22:15:18 UTC

for Nerdy fix was needed.


16-02-2006 22:42:08 UTC



16-02-2006 23:56:03 UTC

for  non-negative is good

Josh: he/they

17-02-2006 12:17:37 UTC

for Pineapple chunks are tasty.


17-02-2006 18:29:34 UTC

for Ninjalike


17-02-2006 18:55:50 UTC

for Compact


17-02-2006 20:54:48 UTC

for  Sesquipedalian