Proposal: My, you’re very pale
Passes 7-0. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 04 Jul 2009 23:07:54 UTC
Add a new rule entitled “Tanning”:
As a weekly action, but no more frequently than once every 24 hours, any Tourist may choose to Tan. To do this, they roll DICE5 in the GNDT with a comment of “Tanning” and add it to their Tan statistic.
Add a subrule entitled “Sunscreen” to “Tanning”:
If a Tourist wishes, he may choose to wear sunscreen by making a comment of “Tanning with sunscreen”, instead of the usual “tanning” comment. If a Tourist wears sunscreen, they reduce the number that they increase their Tan by, to a minimum of 1.
Add a subrule to “Tanning”, entitled “Staying indoors”:
If a Tourist has not tanned within the last 7 days, any Tourist may decrease their Tan by 2.
“What are you all staying inside for!? I spent a lot of money on this vacation, now, GET OUT!!”
Clucky: he/him
Though you need the fix the staying indoors thing so it only happens once. Also I thought 24 hours was covered in the weekly action statement.