Proposal: No Honour Among Thieves
Reached quorum 6 votes to 1 including an Imperial DEF. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 01 May 2024 09:07:42 UTC
Add a new rule called “Attitudes” with the following text:
Each Thief has an Attitude, privately tracked by the City and defaulting to “One of Us”. An Attitude has a Description that contains the rules the apply to each Thief that has that Attitude. As a Weekly Action, a Thief may change their Attitude by privately communicating to the City their new Attitude.
In the Description, an Attitude may have an Action, which is performed by the City during the Distributing atomic action.
The valid Attitudes are listed in the table below:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Attitude || Description
| One of Us || You cannot achieve victory. Action: This Thief gains 2 Florins.
| Best Mates || Action: This Thief gains 1 Florin for each Thief that does not also have this Attitude.
| Solo Act || Action: Secretly randomly choose another Thief and secretly roll DICE4 - 1, then subtract the result from that Thief's Florins, to a minimum of 0, and add the amount actually subtracted to this Thief's Florins.
In the rule “The Haul”, add the following bullet point just before the last bullet point in the atomic action of Distributing:
* Perform the Action of the Attitude of each Thief, if there are any to perform, doing so by secretly randomly choosing the order of Thieves in which to process each Thief’s Attitude. Any gains or losses are in addition to the previous steps of this instance of this atomic action.
How did no one use this Proposal title yet?
Similar to Clucky’s idea of Plans, except this goes in effect during Distribution, rather than during Burglary. The varied gains in Florins will hopefully encourage Thieves to consider collaborating, but as Thieves they can never really tell who is trustworthy.
I recognize that this is adding Florins out of nowhere in some cases, so it messes with the Florin economy a bit. I’m open to changes along those lines if someone has a more clever way to avoid that.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
The American spelling has been used before… by you