Thursday, July 06, 2006

Proposal: Nonhuman Races

Not a legal proposal—Coldspell has two pending proposals already, and this would be a third.—AG

Adminned at 05 Jul 2006 23:51:45 UTC

Create a Rule to clarify the Ascension Address:

All Travellers shall start the game as human. Traveller’s Companions may start the game as nonhuman. Nonhuman races may have unique racial abilities and limitations. New nonhuman races and racial characteristics must be Enacted by Proposal before an instance of that race (i.e. a Traveller, a Companion, or a Non-Player Character) may be played. Means with which to change races, voluntarily or involuntarily, may be Enacted by Proposal.




06-07-2006 06:25:25 UTC

veto  veto  veto
I-llegal: you cannot have three pending proposals.

Angry Grasshopper:

06-07-2006 06:29:04 UTC

Is the Seal for this game a cactus?