Monday, November 15, 2021


The unnamed rule says “Whenever a Realtor becomes unidle for the first time in this dynasty they are added to the team of the Realtor who would have been next to pick in the initial snake draft.”. This is agnostic about whether the snake draft has started.

Accordingly, Kevan has been added to Brendan’s team and Darknight has been added to TyGuy’s, making it TyGuy’s turn again.


Brendan: he/him

15-11-2021 15:32:26 UTC

Wait, why is it TyGuy6’s turn twice in a row?

Kevan: he/him

15-11-2021 15:34:20 UTC

A snake draft is 1-2-2-1-1-2-...

Brendan: he/him

15-11-2021 15:40:00 UTC

Ah, thank you!

Josh: he/they

15-11-2021 15:59:28 UTC

The enactment of Masking Up should undo this anyway.

Brendan: he/him

15-11-2021 16:00:31 UTC

Indeed it has.

Brendan: he/him

15-11-2021 16:08:26 UTC

... Ah, and has also placed everyone on a team, so that now our restriction to drafting “a Fan who has no team” means that no one can be drafted.


15-11-2021 19:11:38 UTC

How was anyone on a team in the first place? Nothing put them on one. So adding Kevan or Darknight to Brendan’s team would fail, right?


15-11-2021 20:16:10 UTC

I think they should both go to Brendan, as these additions aren’t picks so “the Heel picking first” means it’s still Brendan’s turn.