Proposal: Of Antioch
Timed out and enacted, 6-1. Josh
Adminned at 14 Jun 2021 13:03:23 UTC
Repeal the rule Equipment, and remove the text “and set his Equipment to a secretly-randomly chosen item that is different from the one that he equipped at the start of his last Enter the Crypt action” and “equipment chosen or other” from the atomic action in the rule Richardo’s Journey.
In the rule Richardo’s Journey, change the bullet point which starts “Reduce his Energy by 1” to read as follows:
Reduce his Energy by 1. Secretly randomly select an explored room that is orthogonally adjacent to his current room and move into it, then apply the effect of any items that he is holding (if appropriate based on its description), then apply any effects of the features of that room in the order that they are listed to Richardo. Repeat this step until his Energy is 0 or lower; then finish this step and move on to the next step of this action
Add the following to the list of features in the rule Features:
* Richardo approaches an average treasure chest (-2)
* Richardo approaches a fine treasure chest (-5)
Add the following as a sub-rule to the rule Richard’s Journey, called Treasure:
If Richardo approaches a treasure chest, and if he is holding two or fewer items, he will secretly randomly elect to whether or not to open it; if he does then he expends 1 Energy to do so and starts holding the contents of that chest. When Richardo uses an item he ceases to be holding it.
An average treasure chest will contain one item from average treasures list. A fine treasure chest will contain one item from the fine treasures list and one item from the average treasures list. The contents of a chest are secretly randomly determined when that chest is opened. As a Power Action with a cost of 1, a Vampire Lord may set the contents of a single treasure chest to any valid value by appending the names of the items to be contained in that chest to its entry in the relevant room description, in brackets; when Richardo von Nestor opens such a chest then the contents are not randomly determined but instead are the values set in the room description.
The list of available Treasures are as follows:
Average treasures
* Holy Tincture: Richardo immediately uses this item to gain two Energy
* Secret Passage Map: Richardo immediately uses this item and must randomly select from any explored room to be his next destination
* Bandages: The first time during a journey when Richardo is Grievously Injured, he uses this item and is only Lightly Wounded instead
* Rusty crossbow: The first time Richardo encounters a Denizen, he uses this item and it is immediately slain
* Depleted Ring of Warding: The first time Richardo enters a room that contains active Sigils, he uses this item and one of those Sigils (selected secretly at random) is destroyedFine treasures:
* Rod of Smoothing: The first time Richardo enters a room while holding this item, he uses it and one feature (chosen secretly at random) is removed from that room, before any effects are enacted
* Elaborate crossbow: Richardo destroys any Denizen he encounters. This item is not used when this affect is applied.
* Empowered Ring of Warding: The first time Richardo enters a room that contains active Sigils, he uses this item and any Sigils in that room are destroyed
* Holy Distillate: Richardo immediately uses this item to gain 5 Energy
* Silver-Tipped Stake: If Richardo enters a room that is a Sepulchre, he uses this item and the Vampire Lord whose Sepulchre it is becomes Dust.
Add an average treasure chest to the room called Crypt Entrance.
Kevan: he/him
Not sure whether “Contains an average (-2) or fine (-5) treasure chest.” needs to be broken up to make it clear that it’s two different features with “their Darkness scores given afterwards in brackets” - that we cannot literally add this Feature to a room as written - or if I’m just being pedantic.