Proposal: Opportunity
Create a new dynastic rule, “Opportunities”, positioning it in the ruleset immediately before “Vocations” (in the blockquote below, “#” is MediaWiki formatting for the start of a numbered list item):
If there is no open Opportunity, any Seeker or the Custodian can perform the following Atomic Action:
# Randomly choose DICE2 non-Wealth Resources.
# For each chosen Resource, generate a random number between 1 and three times the Tension.
# Create a Story Post whose title starts with “[Opportunity]”, which specifies the chosen Resources, and the random numbers that were generated for them in the previous step.A post created this way is known as an Opportunity; nothing else is an Opportunity. An Opportunity is initially open when it is created. For each Resource chosen when creating an Opportunity, the random number corresponding to it is known (in the context of that Opportunity) as the Reward for that Resource.
While there is an open Opportunity, each Seeker has a Bid, a nonnegative integer defaulting to 0 that is tracked in the comments to the open Opportunity. (The tracking is done as follows: whenever a Seeker’s Bid changes, the new value is posted as a comment to the Opportunity, e.g. a Seeker might post “My Bid is 50” upon increasing their Bid to 50.)
While there is an open Opportunity, any Seeker can reduce their own Wealth by any amount less than their current Wealth, and increase their own Bid by the same amount, as long as doing so causes that Seeker to have the unique highest Bid. This action may not be performed while the “Closing the Opportunity” atomic action is ongoing.
While there is an open Opportuntiy, the Seeker (if any) who has the highest Bid is known as the Purchaser.
If an open Opportunity has been continuously open for 48 hours, and no Bid has changed within the previous 24 hours, any Seeker or the Custodian can perform the following Atomic Action, known as “Closing the Opportunity”:
# Add a comment to that Opportunity stating “Bidding is closed.”
# For each Seeker other htan the Purchase, increase the Wealth of that Seeker by that Seeker’s Bid.
# Increase the Purchaser’s Wealth by the difference between the highest and second-highest Bids (except that if the difference is higher than three times the Tension, increase by three times the Tension instead).
# For each Resource for which a Reward was chosen as part of the process creating that Opportunity, increase the Purchaser’s value for that Resource by that Resource’s Reward.Once the “Closing the Opportunity” action is completed for a given Opportunity, that Opportunity is no longer considered Open, and the Bid variable loses its value and is no longer tracked. (When the next Opportunity is created, it will start at its default value again.)
An auction mechanic to let us start gaining Resources other than Wealth (although I still think they should have their own ways to gain them separate from Auctions). I chose a second-price auction so that there would be no advantage from staying constantly online and trying to snipe.
JonathanDark: he/him
I had almost exactly the same idea, but in reverse: a Disaster rather than an Opportunity. I was hesitant to propose it because it had very similar mechanics to yours and felt like it might come across as too complicate for this early in the dynasty.
That said, I like this and will likely vote in favor of it.