Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Partisan, Take 2 (First Reading)

Add a new rule titled “Position”

  Each Candidate has a Position, tracked in the GNDT. A Candidate’s Position may be “Left”, “Centre” or “Right”. A new Candidate has the Position “Centre”. As a weekly action, a Candidate may change their Position to any of the possible values. “Left” and “Right” are opposite positions.
If a candidate changes their endorsed candidate to one with the opposite position, they may reduce the supporters of any number of candidates with Position “Centre” by one. If they do so, they may increase their supporters by the number of candidates whose supporters they reduced.

Change rule 2.3.2 Mud-Slinging to read

If a Candidate has not performed a Campaign Action within the last 72 horus, the Candidate may perform a Mud-Sling action by commenting “MS NAME 1DICEN” in the GDNT where NAME is the name of an active Candidate, and N is 8 where that candidate has the same position as the acting candidate, 4 if their positions are opposite, or 6 otherwise. The Candidate then decreases the Supporters of NAME by the result of the roll, their own Supporters by 1, and then the Supporters of the candidate they endorse by 1.

Set each Candidate’s Position to “Centre”


Clucky: he/himIdle

13-08-2008 13:18:13 UTC

A left leaning person is going to alienate more supporters mud-slinging another left leaning person that were he to mud-sling a right leaning person.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

13-08-2008 13:46:25 UTC

agreed, mudslinging your own position should cost you 2.

Thrawn: Idle

13-08-2008 23:23:56 UTC

“If the two candidates have the same position, their Supporters, and that of their endorsed candidate, are reduced by 2 instead.”