Sunday, March 16, 2025

Proposal: Personal clocks

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Mar 2025 22:49:34 UTC

In the rule Vocating, change the text “Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action” to read:

Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action (or the date upon which you assumed the Vocation chosen in this atomic action, whichever is most recent)

Revert any Be Productive actions taken between the posting and enactment of this proposal.

Standardising that you must hold the vocation for a set period before realising gains from it.



16-03-2025 19:16:15 UTC

This is directly harmful to all of us who have not set a Vocation yet - we’d lose out on 4 days of productivity. I’m against this, and I would strongly encourage Raven and Bunana to also vote against this unless they want to lose out on Resources

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 20:13:27 UTC

It’s really just a balancing mechanism - it puts you and me on the same playing field in terms of life stages. Is there something you’d like to see changed in this to make it more equitable? If not I’;; have to assume that you’re just fulminating to preserve an advantage.


16-03-2025 20:26:02 UTC

This would have my support if the last clause was removed; then the rest of us would be forced to pick a Vocation and Be Productive before it passed, which would result in everyone getting the same number of total days. You and JD getting four days of productivity on the rest of us is not the same playing field, and I am sure you realize this

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 21:00:59 UTC

That’s the bit that equalises the effect! It really feels like this is just an attempt to preserve your advantage; I get it, but I’m not removing the thing that causes this to have any equalising effect at all

ais523: Custodian

16-03-2025 21:01:26 UTC

imperial for hopefully obvious reasons.

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 21:05:02 UTC

You didn’t have to close the edit window, ais. Habanero and I were presumably still negotiating.


16-03-2025 21:14:12 UTC

I don’t see how this acts as an equaliser. The gamestate if it passes will be: you and JD can Be Productive to get four days worth of Resources (to be clear, this is 80 Resources), and the rest of the players have to start over from zero. To make matters worse, you two have already selected the best initial Hobbies (two Correlated Resources that aren’t Influence). I don’t think it can get any less equal than that. You are not stripping away an advantage myself or Raven or Bunana have, you are digging us all a hole and hoping Raven and Bunana will not be active enough to stop you


16-03-2025 21:17:30 UTC

against as the edit window is closed. To repeat myself, this is a significant disadvantage for anyone who has not selected a Hobby (Raven and Bunana), and it is in those players best interests to also vote against this

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 21:21:19 UTC

C’mon Habanero, you know that what you’re arguing for here is a status quo in which you get to pick a Vocation on day one of being Juvenile and immediately rinse it by Being Productive. Over the course of the full lifespan you’ll get a bunch more resources than we will; you know that’s not fair or equitable.

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 21:26:38 UTC

I of all people fully respect arguing hard the preserve an advantage but claiming that an attempt to equalise it is actually an aggressive move is a bit much.


16-03-2025 22:13:02 UTC

The lifespan never ends though, since even when you become Geriatric you can still generate resources via Hobby. The only difference is that you’ll mature 4 days earlier and become geriatric 4 days earlier, which also acts to your benefit as an early Hobby-chooser. Regardless, if me getting a slight increase in resources made over you 21-25 days from now (assuming the dynasty is even still going then!) is a concern for you I’ve a counter-proposal up to address this in a way we can hopefully agree is more fair

Josh: he/they

16-03-2025 22:49:02 UTC

Withdrawn against in favour of Unproductive Infants; for the record, when I said in the comments here “Is there something you’d like to see changed in this to make it more equitable”, that was what I meant, and if you’d just gotten to that in this discussion (before ais edit locked it, anyway) then it would have saved a bit of time.