Proposal: Piece It Together
Times out 10-1. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 22 Dec 2022 21:20:03 UTC
Add a new subrule, “Fragments”, to the dynastic rule “Items”. Give it the following text:
Fragments are Cursed Items, but when an Explorers ceases to be Possessed by Katastrophe they involuntarily drop all their Fragments. Only one new Fragment may be created per turn.
Add “Chant” to the list of “available Planned Actions” in the rule “Explorer Actions”.
In the rule “Explorer Actions”, after the paragraph starting with “Grabbing causes”, add the following paragraph:
Chanting is a Summoning Attempt (with all the defined effects thereof) if the one performing it holds at least three Fragments and is not possessed by Katastrophe, and a Disruption Attempt (with all the defined effects thereof) if it’s not a Summoning Attempt.
In the list of steps in the rule “Mansion Phase”, after the step that begins “If Dread is less than 47”, add the following step:
If exactly one Explorer performed a Summoning attempt this turn, that Explorer achieves victory unless an odd number of Explorers performed a Disruption Attempt this turn.
SingularByte: he/him