Friday, January 08, 2021

Story Post: Promotion Request

I’ve got a Crown, Coderblaze has a Crown, and we need two Crowns to earn a coin flip between us.



08-01-2021 16:13:23 UTC

I made this before enacting Overcrowned.

Josh: he/they

08-01-2021 17:13:51 UTC

Well this is now very awkward

Josh: he/they

08-01-2021 17:15:05 UTC

I have to “evaluate whether the specified Corporation is Meritous” and then “if he agrees that it is, he shall choose a random Pilot whose Affiliation was that Corporation when the Crown was Awarded and name them in a comment to the Promotion Request”

But because Overcrowned has been enacted, I have to evaluate that, no, the Order of the Blue Lotus is not meritous

Sorry, the game continues


08-01-2021 19:31:59 UTC

Now we have to wait for “A Crowning Achievement”

Josh: he/they

08-01-2021 20:03:39 UTC

That will also not result in a conclusion; it awards one crown to Bucky but you need two to be meritous.