Monday, March 16, 2020

Proposal: Re Pro Posal

Enacted, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 18 Mar 2020 10:09:21 UTC

In the rule Items, change the second bullet of the first bulleted rule to read “A Type (either Physical, Favour of the King, or Military). If the result is Physical, it must also have a randomly determined subtype (Art, Furniture, Food, or Romantic Gifts).

In the same list, change the third bullet to read ” A sequence of either one, two or three Impacts (the number selected at random, then each Impact selected at random; the same impact may be selected more than once for an item). If the Item is of the Favour of the King type, all Prestige-affecting Items are have their Prestige impact tripled; if the Item is of the Military type, all Power-affecting Impacts have their Power impact tripled.”

In the same rule, add the following to the first bulleted list: “* If the Item is Physical, any Characteristics relevant to that Item’s Subtype”

After the second bulleted list in that rule, add the following:

The Characteristics a Physical Item may have are as follows, with the subtype of Item to which each quality is Relevant listed in brackets after its name:

* Colour (Furniture, Food): generated by making a COLOUR roll in the dice roller.
* Style (Art): must be randomly selected from Mannerist, Renaissance, Byzantine and Islamic or Far Eastern.
* Age (Art, Furniture): must be a randomly selected number between 1 and 2000.
* Explicitness (Romantic Gift): must be randomly selected from Romantic, Lewd, Bawdy or Obscene.
* Ingredients (Food): randomly selected Fruit, Meat, Candies or Wine.

In the rule Ribbons, change the Requirement of the Ribbon of Letters to ‘Own an Estate with Furniture that is between 0 and 100 years old, 100 and 1000 years old and 1000 and 2000 years old’. Change the Requirement for the Ribbon of the Sword to ‘Own an Estate with Romantic Gifts of every possible Explicitness’. Change the Requirement of the Ribbon of the Bell to ‘Own an Estate with Food with every possible Ingredient in it’. Change the Requirement for the Ribbon of the Robe to ‘Own an Estate with Art from every available Style’.



16-03-2020 15:10:38 UTC

i think i prefer this over the current ribbon set up


16-03-2020 15:56:16 UTC

Man, I would have hit FOR in a heartbeat if the FRUIT command made a reappearance for this proposal. Alas, it did not.

It’s still not a bad proposal, though my idea will need some tweaking if it’s gonna work with this one (assuming it passes).  imperial

Josh: he/they

16-03-2020 16:10:12 UTC

Kevan put paid to the use of FRUIT alas (apparently tangerello and kiwi are too anachronistic, and bar doesn’t mean anything in this context)

We’ll get FRUIT into this dynasty somehow, naught, I promise.

Kevan: he/him

16-03-2020 17:33:49 UTC

There hasn’t been a Bar result for years, some admin with server access changed it from a slot machine wheel to a list of fruits of their choice - I think unilaterally, during a period when the ruleset didn’t legislate what results it should roll. Perhaps they were American and couldn’t see why “bar” would be in a list of fruit.


Lulu: she/her

16-03-2020 19:14:21 UTC


Darknight: he/him

16-03-2020 19:19:42 UTC



16-03-2020 19:35:20 UTC



16-03-2020 22:55:55 UTC

against Some I like, but there’s a lot of fluff added to items that I don’t.


16-03-2020 22:59:54 UTC

It’s got flavor, though. I give you that.

Brendan: he/him

17-03-2020 16:17:03 UTC

“all Prestige-affecting Items are have their Prestige impact tripled”—should that be all Prestige-affecting IMPACTS have their Prestige impact tripled? Otherwise this seems like potentially a runaway multiplier chain reaction.

Josh: he/they

17-03-2020 17:05:46 UTC

I’m not suuuure that the distinction is baked in? But I do agree that your wording is less ambiguous.

Tantusar: he/they

18-03-2020 09:57:42 UTC

for clearing vote