Call for Judgment: Reality Glitch
Quorum reached, popular. Reality is stable again, for now. Josh
Adminned at 09 Feb 2020 07:48:58 UTC
To the first paragraph of all rules called “Divergence”, add:-
If Divergence has occured, the following take effect:
Remove the section of the ruleset named “Dynastic Rules [Prime]”, and rename “Dynastic Rules [Alpha]” to “Dynastic Rules”. Any illegal proposals which were posted between 08 Feb 2020 00:00:00 and 09 Feb 2020 00:30:00 shall be considered to have been legal since their creation.
The proposal Quantum Loopholes caused the “and the following take effect:” precondition to be removed from the list of Portal effects, leaving them as a list of bulleted statements. This caused the ruleset to immediately split and all dynastic proposals to become illegal. We should fix that before moving on.
Darknight: he/him