Friday, June 25, 2021

Story Post: Richardo’s Seventh Expedition

Richardo von Nestor returns to the vault, grimly determined to continue to cleanse the crypt of the evil that lurks within.

In a distant corridor of the catacombs, Vampire Lord Jumble’s Sepulchre feeds on the dark energy disturbed by von Nestor’s footfalls.

As usual, Richardo finds himself in the Crypt Entrance, whose mosaic walls once depicted scenes of holy virtue but which are now smashed and broken. He progresses north.

Room BA is spotlessly clean as usual. The puck-shaped machines that polish its marble floor are disturbed and the gyration in their patterns provokes a small trickle of energy to accrue to each Vampire Lord. Richardo decides to open the fine chest and is surprised to not find the usual collection of a stake, a tincture, a map and a rod of smoothing, but instead a set of bandages and an elaborate crossbow. He pockets them and returns to the Crypt Entrance.

From the Crypt Entrance he continues west.

On the Tenuous Bridge he is harried by an aggressive bat; its scratches leave him lightly injured. He notes that the north entrance from this room has been sealed following his elimination of the Vampire Lord Brendan, and instead returns once again to the Crypt Entrance.

Finding himself back in the entrance hallway, Richardo finds that he is fatigued and elects to return another day.

Stat changes in this run:

Vampire Lord - Puissance - Influence
ais523 - 1 - 0
Brendan - 1 - 0
Chiiika - 1 - 0
Clucky - 1 - 0
Darknight - 1 - 0
Jason - 1 - 0
Jumble - 1 - 1
Kevan - 1 - 0
lemonfanta - 1 - 0
Phil - 1 - 0
Raven1207 - 1 - 0


ais523: Custodian

26-06-2021 06:53:56 UTC

After my horrible luck in the Sixth Expedition, this is close to the best possible luck for me. So I guess everything is beginning to balance out.